Why Cryptocurrency Will Win & Why Most People Don’t Understand Why

Michael Santonato
5 min readFeb 18, 2021

We are resistant to change as people.

That’s the first item to understand in this article.

Until we teach ourselves that change is good, we wont be able to keep up with the change as fast as it is actually occurring in today’s world.

The next item to realize is the human mind usually thinks in a linear fashion (left brain) INSTEAD of a non-linear fashion (right brain).

Thus also making us resistant to change, unless it moves in a linear fashion WHICH WE AGREE WITH.

Ohhhhh boy. What a problem that is…

So what do we do? Well, we need to rethink change.

We need to think about change like this:

Remember VHS & VCR’s?

My childhood was filled with great movies and watching those white horizontal bars across the screen and something called “tracking” to fix it once the tapes were worn out.

Imagine now, rewinding and fast forwarding to a certain part of your favourite movie, music video or TV show, and seeing those horizontal white lines across your screen. Then that scribbling sound wheezing and whizzing as you wait…. lol. Having to sit and wait for a FEW MINUTES until the tape gets to your favourite part.

And having a shit-fit with your brother or sister cuz they didn’t rewind your favourite movie to the beginning. And now you have your friend or hot date you want to see it with. And you feel like an idiot cuz you cant find the part.

Its laughable to think about it now, isn’t it?

But that was our reality, just 25 years ago.

Then the DVD came. “Digital Versatile Disc”

Then with the click of a button, you can flip to your favourite scene or moment INSTANTLY. No waiting, no rewinding… Instant.

AND you can access extra content such as deleted scenes, gag reels, featurette’s and director commentaries on the disc’s which holds more capacity and storage than a VHS does. Those extra features were mostly uneventful but they’re an absolute must for dedicated super fans.

Now think of Blu Ray/HD.

That was the next evolution to come.

Now we know that Blu-Ray has won and every new home system for the last so many years has a Blu Ray player. No more dvd’s. They’re long gone. (Video game systems too are blu-ray for the last x many years.)

But whats funny is, I remember catching a few articles at the time, about Blu Ray/HD and which format should win. The why’s and pro’s and cons of each format and its tech.

But “Which format should win?”

This is a key concept… That battle between Blu-Ray and HD existed for only a few years. (Or less) and it was settled. Blu ray was the winner.

It simply prevailed…. Better features, faster, easier, more adaptable,, cooler, storage, etc.

Next we’ll eliminate discs altogether and just “Stream” from our “Smart Tv’s” or streaming services. And we’ve got Youtube for everything else. So we’ve already started the elimination process….

Here’s the kicker:

The next evolution makes no sense usually to the previous generation or previous two generations.

No sense whatsoever.

I can remember explaining to my dad how a DVD worked. How to operate it, the new features, the bonus content, how to take care of the discs etc.

And his response was, “Whats wrong with the VCR?” “Why do I need to switch to this new thing I don’t understand?”

My amazing dad and I

Which was 100% the same response his parents said to him whenever he introduced new technology to them; the cordless portable home phone, a microwave and so on, :-D


Remember, we are resistant to change naturally as people.

So get this…

One of my favourite quotes by Henry Ford is…

Think about that. Let that blow your mind.

I love that quote so much and I recite it, nearly every time I educate someone on Crypto or finance, do a financial strategy session, a financial analysis etc.

This is how you need to think about Cryptocurrency — and any other technological, digital innovation that comes in the future.

That’s why Steve Jobs said,

“Here’s to the crazy ones.”

If he were still alive he might have added, “Here’s to the early adopters…. The ones who make the crazy ones, not so crazy to everyone else.” lol.

Embrace change.

It will give you an advantage.


Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency will undoubtedly win because of the same exact reasons Blu Ray and DVD’s beat the VHS.

Faster, cheaper, better, more, decentralized, borderless, safer, more secure, puts you in control, appreciating asset, higher ROI’s etc etc etc. (Security was an issue before but every new product has its glitches to work out. And its alllll better now.)

There is a learning curve to get it going, like all new tech. But its obviously worth it and will continue to be worth it.

Email me & my team here if you need help. We have online courses, strategies, advice, verified products and more.

We all need to win together.



Michael Santonato

Financial Advisor, Cryptocurrency Advocate, Business Finance Solutions